Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lounging in Lyon

This weekend was the first in many that I spent in Lyon. The festivities began with Amber's 22nd birthday celebration! We had dinner at Brasserie Georges, a big Lyonnaise restaurant in town. It was so much fun, the restaurant was bustling and they even had a group of trumpeters that would play every 20 minutes or so. They weren't that good, but it was still fun to watch them blow into their instruments. Dinner was delicious and the company was incredible. Happy birthday Amber!

The next day, Danielle and I met up to see a few places in Lyon that I haven't visited yet. It was one of the most beautiful fall afternoons I've ever had - the air was so crisp and the whole city was lit up by the sun, who decided to make a rare appearance.

Walking across the Rhone

We took the funiculaire to the top of one of the hills in Lyon so I could see the basilica that looks over the city. The view from the top was incredible, as well as the inside of the church. Since the sun was setting, everything inside had a green-bluish glow that made it seem almost as if we were underwater. By the time we came out, it was already dark, but we still made our way over to see the ancient ruins nearby. I'm so happy I finally made it up the colline qui prie before leaving!

The view from Fourvière

Our outing ended with macarons from a cute boutique Danielle knew about near Bellecour. The store was tiny, but featured an array of interesting flavors so we bought one each to enjoy before heading home for dinner.

Chocolat-orange for me and pistache for Danielle!

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